Normalmente nuestros ensayos consisten en periodos de unos veinte minutos improvisando en los que poco a poco algo se va definiendo, aunque no siempre. Cuando algo chulo sale nos miramos, seguimos con ello, a veces paramos y lo comentamos, si toma forma buscamos un cambio y al siguiente ensayo normalmente no nos acordamos y versionamos nuestro propio conato de canción, a veces para mejor y a veces para peor. Para que las ideas no se nos vayan entre los dedos nos hemos pillado esta juguetito para grabar partes de los ensayos y poder escucharlas después.
Normally our practices consist of a series of twenty minute periods of improvising in which little by little something eventually becomes clear, though not always. When something cool shows up we look at each other, keep playing and sometimes stop and comment on it. If it becomes clearer we look for a transition but the next day we practice we have often forgotten everything and we make kind of a cover of our own song, sometimes for the better other times for the worse. In order not to let these slip between our fingers we've bought this little toy to record some parts of the rehearsal that we can listen to afterwards.